

2710 Uppsatser om National bibliotek - Sida 1 av 181

En planering av ?meröppet? för Sävar bibliotek : Hur kan man designa ett bibliotek för självbetjäning och sociala interaktioner?

Sävar bibliotek ska införa meröppet, och denna studie har undersökt hur man bör gå tillväga. Intervjuer utfördes via telefon och e-mail till andra meröppna bibliotek, och en fokusgrupp utfördes med besökare och personal vid Sävar bibliotek. Vi undersökte även relevant litteratur för att hitta hur själva miljön i biblioteket ska se ut. Vi kom fram till att det är viktigt att information om förändringarna kommer ut till besökarna. Det är också viktigt att biblioteket ska vara en social miljö, så det är viktigt att arrangera det så att det uppmuntrar till social interaktion..

Bibliotek i förändring : en fallstudie av folkbibliotek i Nacka kommun

Denna uppsats syftar till att se hur Nacka kommun styr sina bibliotek i offentlig och privat regi och om det finns en skillnad i synsättet på bibliotekets samhällsuppdrag mellan biblioteken som påverkar hur dessa tolkar och implementerar de krav som kommunen ställer. En förstudie gjordes i form av en observation på respektive bibliotek samt intervju med en ombudsman och en utredare för facket DIK för att få större inblick i ämnet. Intervjuer med respondenter från ett bibliotek som drivs i privat regi och ett offentligt bibliotek genomfördes samt en intervju med en utvärderingsexpert hos Nacka kommun. Informationen från dessa intervjuer analyserades sedan efter de utvalda organisationsteorier som valts ut efter uppsatsens syfte. Resultatet av analysen visade på en skillnad i synsättet hos respektive bibliotek både på ett organisatoriskt plan och i det utbud bibliotek erbjuder till medborgarna.

Mer än Katitzi och klezmer? : en kvalitativ undersökning av biblioteksverksamhet riktad mot romer och judar

This bachelor's purpose is to examine different types of library work directed at theSwedish national Jewish and Romani minorities. The thesis will begin with accounting for thepolitics of Swedish national minorities and of today?s situation for Jews and Romanis in Sweden.We will, to accomplish this purpose, use a three-piece question formulation regarding therespective works of the libraries, as well as the possible benefits that cooperation betweendifferent libraries could bring. The questions are answered in the analysis of four qualitativeinterviews through a model based on Dorte Skot-Hansen's thoughts on the library's different rolesin different understandings of society. The analysis will lead us to a final discussion, in which wewill present our results: that distinct guidelines regarding the national minorities for the publiclibraries are a necessity for Sweden?s fulfilling of the responsibility towards these groups; thatthere is a need for a coordination of the propositions and conventions regarding the nationalminorities in the shape of a substantial legislation; and that this field in the future needs to bethoroughly observed and examined in order to evaluate how the Swedish public libraries meet the needs of the national minorities..

Från läsesällskap till stadsbibliotek: Skövdes bibliotekshistoria 1830-1940

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to describe the development of the most important libraries in Skövde, starting from 1830. We conclude our examination about 1940, when the municipal library has been active for almost ten years, and the libraries started by the temperance and working-class movements have been deposited at the municipal library. In order to explain this process we describe the development of the Swedish public library and its predecessors, such as reading societies and the popular national movements? libraries, as a background and comparison to the early libraries in Skövde.

Digital service erbjuden till användare med funktionsnedsättning på Armeniens national bibliotek: utmaningar och åtgärder.

The purpose of the present qualitative study is to create knowledge about librarydigital services and their marketing to patrons with disabilities in Armenia, on theexample of the National Library of Armenia, as well as, to discover opinions of theNLA librarians and patrons with disabilities about the importance of library digitalservices to people with disabilities. Literature review and qualitative interviewing has been employed as methods to collect the empirical data. The results have been analyzed and discussed based on the library-marketing model of marketing research, marketing segmentation, marketing mix strategy and marketing evaluation suggested by Koontz & Gubbin (2010). It has been concluded, that 1) e-accessibility issomething new at the NLA and the NLA does not provide equally available knowledge, resources, services, facilities to patrons with disabilities, because of the following main challenges: lack of continuous funding and support from the state, lack of appropriate facilities and technologies, lack of qualified staff, and historicallyinherited library infrastructure impediments; 2) no library service marketing is conducted to patrons with disabilities at the NLA; 3) the opinions are that provisionwith such services is very important to people with disabilities, since they allow those people to gain access and use information in formats adopted to their various needs, and, of course, they become integrated into the modern society. The important role of a library as a non-discriminator and copyright protector in a developing country when delivering digital library services to patrons with disabilities has also been discovered..

Ett fönster in till den stora biblioteksvärlden : en uppsats om GÖK-projeket, med tyngdpunkt på Linnestadens bibliotek i Göteborg

This master's thesis deals with the public library project called the GÖK-project, whichconcerned three Swedish public libraries: Linnestaden (Göteborg), Örnskoldsvik and Kalmar.The general outlines for the project were: reconsideration of the conception of the literaryquality, improvement of the library services, adjustment to the library user and reconsiderationof the conception of adult education to the public libraries of the 90s. The projectcaused a big national debate with effort put on the conception of the literary quality.The topic of this master's thesis is partly the GÖK-project and its general outlines, partly theaccomplishment of the project, the main point put on the public library in Linnestaden(Göteborg)..

Att bygga ett bibliotek : En studie av funktion och rörelse i tre nyinrättade biblioteksbyggnader - Kungliga tekniska högskolans bibliotek, Sambiblioteket i Härnösand och Vitterhetsakademiens bibliotek

A large part of research about libraries and library buildings in Sweden has been focused on how the building looks not how it functions with the library. The aim with this master?s thesis is to study how a library building is functioning and how its users are experiencing it. This is studied in three libraries, Kungliga tekniska högskolans bibliotek, Sambiblioteket in Härnösand and Vitterhetsakademiens bibliotek. With the questions of how they were planed, what did the libraries want from the new building and which of these demands were realized.

Min magiska värld

?Min magiska värld? är en textil installation avsedd att fungera som en sagohörna i ett bibliotek för barn i förskoleåldern. Med utgångspunkt i 3 mönster skapas en fantasivärld som möter barn på bibliotek. Mönstrade ylletyger har tillverkats för att sedan filtas och placeras i rummet. Meningen med mönstren är att skapa en känsla av skog, harmoni och delaktighet i rummet..

Mäns låga nyttjande av bibliotek: litteraturstudie med fokus på psykologi och kön

Enligt tillgänglig statistik besöker män bibliotek i lägre grad än kvinnor, de lånar och läser färre böcker än kvinnor och köper färre böcker än kvinnor. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att belysa varför män inte nyttjar bibliotek i samma utsträckning som kvinnor med hjälp av psykologiska förklaringsmodeller och utifrån resultatet ge underlag för åtgärder för att öka mäns besök och nyttjande av bibliotek. Om inte bakomliggande orsaker till varför män inte nyttjar kommunens bibliotek klarläggs, finns risk för att mäns fortbildning och samhällsengagemang avtar med den påföljden att demokratiprocessen och jämställdhetssträvandena får stå tillbaka. Examensarbetet har gjorts i form av en litteraturstudie med begränsningen att inget empiriskt underlag fanns att tillgå för att undersöka problemområdet. Arbetets bidrag ligger i att belysa hur könsidentiteten, dvs.

Kulturarv för framtiden : En diskursanalys av mötet mellan arkiv och bibliotek i en nationell strategi för digitalisering

The aim of this study is to examine if library and archive will meet professionally in digitization projects. The study has been conducted as a discourse analysis in accordance with the methods of Norman Fairclough, professor of Linguistics at Lancaster University. The texts are seen as linguistic and semiotic elements of social events that can be analyzed as parts of the social process ? discourse. The relationship between events and structures in society will be part of the social practice.The basic data derive from five public documents collected from Swedish government agencies.

"Masada ska aldrig falla igen!" : En studie om Masada som en israelisk nationalmyt under 1900-talet

??Masada shall never fall again!? A study about Masada as an Israeli national myth during the 20th century? by Sara Tibblin. This essay is about the Israeli national myth of Masada, a cliff in the Negev desert that was the setting of a collective suicide in 73 AD, at the end of the Jewish uprising against the Romans. This story has later been rediscovered and has during the 20th century become a national myth in Israel. This essay will examine how the national myth of Masada has been used in different contexts in Israel during the 20th century and which part it has played when it comes to the national identity of Israel. My findings have afterwards been explained with help of Eriksens theory regarding national myths from the book Historia, myth och identitet (History, myth and identity) (1996).   .

Hur barn i årkurs 3 uppfattar syftet med Nationella provet

This is a study of the national test in 3rd grade. The national test is obligatory and is conducted in 5th and 9th grade, but since the spring of 2009 the tests also become mandatory in 3rd grade. The case study of this research is to find out how children in 3rd grade perceive the purpose of the national test. The survey should also clarify how students think and feel about the national test, and how they feel before the national test and after they have finished writing the test. Has the test positive or negative influence on children? The survey will also show how much teachers clarify what the significance of the national test is for the students.

Äldre boksamlingar på kommunala bibliotek resurs eller belastning?

Care and solicitude about Swedish documentary heritage has varied substantially throughout the years. The main purpose of this essay has been to investigate what efforts have been made to preserve rare book collections at public libraries. These cultural policies have been studied from both a national as well as local perspective. What we have tried to explore can be condensed into three questions: What national initiatives have been taken in the past century to preserve the municipal documentary heritage?What initiatives have been taken in the past century to preserve thedocumentary heritage of what is presently the municipality of Jönköping? What value do rare book collections at public libraries represent? The results indicate few national efforts were initially made to preserve rare book collections in the timeframe we studied.

Talar samlingarna? Hur bibliotekarier lär sig sina samlingar vid nationalbiblioteken

National libraries hold large, valuable repositories of often unique materials. How can we ensure that the knowledge is accessible without endangering the materials that hold the knowledge? Digital preservation is meant to solve this problem. With more and more material being accessible digitally, users are expected to do more and more of the finding on their own, instead of being guided by librarians. What kind of knowledge do the librarians have, that cannot be mediated through a system? How is the knowledge of experienced librarians passed on to new librarians? What is the difference between physical and digital materials? I have interviewed senior and junior librarians of Det Kongelige Bibliotek in Copenhagen, Nasjonalbiblioteket in Oslo, the National Library in Helsinki, and Kungliga Biblioteket in Stockholm to learn about their journey to knowledge of their collections.

Nationalbibliografin: en komparativ studie över musikområdet i Norges, Sveriges och Danmarks nationalbibliografier.

The national bibliography is an important tool in information retrieval. Bibliographies as lists of books have existed for centuries, but the national bibliography as we refer to it today, as a directory of the total national imprint, has only existed for about 50 years. The object of this thesis is to investigate music documents in Scandinavian national bibliographies. The method I have used for this investigation is a comparative study of the music departments in the national bibliographies in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The investigation is performed by answering the following questions: How do Norway, Sweden and Denmark live up to IFLAs Guidelines and recommendations for the national bibliography? Can one discern any differences between the three countries in this area? The documents in focus are sheet music and phonograms.

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